The Story

Simply put, Oaties is a Canadian based lifestyle brand dedicated to the automotive community.

That being said, I like to think of OAties as having three main pillars joined together to create this overall brand. Automotive is of course the first pillar as The enthusiasts, their stories and of course their cars are what drive this brand. The second is photography, as a “Hobbyist” photographer, I wanted to create an environment in which I could share my imagery. Being someone who likes to travel and document the journey through PHOTOGRAPHS, I wanted to create a series DEDICATED to these adventures. Lastly is lifestyle, not only does this refer to the the oaties shop but more IMPORTANTLY it refers to you, the readers. It refers to the FRIENDS I’ve met along the way or the places and events i’ve attended. It refers to the stories, thoughts and even rants. It’s about not only promoting my own personal work but hopefully in the future the works of other creators.

to sum up, this brand is like any other, it’s based off principles and ideals. It will either succeed or fail, but in the end It’s the people and moments I’ve had while building it that I’ll carry with me to the next endeavour. The goal will always be to showcase the passion and quality that exist within not only the automotive community but within the creative communities through photography and words.



Editor in Chief | Photographer
